Ben Kanner - Worklete


Meet Ben Kanner (right), Co-Founder and CEO of Worklete - a digital health platform aimed at decreasing work-related injuries. Read on to learn more about Ben and his journey toward becoming boss.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself and how you found your way to this business/passion.

My father was a safety consultant. Everyone loved what he did, but it wasn’t scalable. I wanted to take that and leverage technology to build a big business.

2. What excites you most about your business/industry?

We have a lot of opportunity to build a big business and revolutionize an industry. However, we are also actually helping people. We can improve people’s lives helping hard working folks have long careers while being able to enjoy their lives outside of work.

3. What character trait do you see most common in yourself and fellow entrepreneurs/business leaders?

Drive. And continued persistence in the face of unimaginable adversity. It ain’t easy. And you hear “no” many more times than you hear “yes”.


4. What virtue do you value the most in your team members?

Work ethic, but also other viewpoints and feedback on what I do.

5. What advice would you give your younger self?

The work never ends. Balance life. Don’t party so much. Have hobbies.

6. Living business visionary you’d like to share a cup of coffee with?

Ben Horowitz

7. What is one strategy you’ve seen work when growing your business?


Lightning Round, Answer with the first thing that comes to mind

Coffee or Tea? I like both for different circumstances/occasions. Probably with Milk.

Michelin Star Restaurant or BBQ? Michelin as they probably have a solid Manhattan.

Would you describe yourself as more of a Beyoncé or an Adele? Who?

Personal hero? Spiderman

Last good book you read, show you watched, record you listened to, or movie you consumed? The Hard Thing About Hard Things should be read by every aspiring entrepreneur and maybe everyone in an early stage company.